I have yet to compile a solo record. Since I plan to leave instructions in my will that my heirs make me go multi-platinum, the only posthumous album they’d currently be able to compile are The Corry Wails. I don’t plan on dying any time soon, but just in case, I’d better start working on something with a bit more of my own voice. The Corry Wails are just a series of songs I have recorded based on wails our cat makes.

“Songs”, is, in fact, a pretty charitable description. Most of them are just loops. I have a bunch of much better real songs basically ready to record - a medley of ballads about my Canadian heritage, psychedelic-folk dreampop about Morristown summers, and stomping bluesy wailers about workin’ long days at the local ice rink - and as soon as I come up with the subject, verse, chorus, hook, chords, key, tempo and title for each song, I’ll put them on tape.

Unfortunately, though, I’ve made a lot of enemies, so just in case I don’t get around to recording John, here are some liner notes for the coke-bottle clear vinyl release of the Corry Wails.

Blue Grass

The fact that I titled this Blue Grass in the Jam Looper app suggests that I intended to practice for my bluegrass ensemble but wound up recording a few seconds of my cat being hungry and some creaky floors.

Wail Yogurt

I realize listening to this one that I have to specify that no cats are harmed or even bothered in the making of these songs. Generally though I do have to bribe our cat to perform, which is why this one is called Wail Yogurt. Corry will reliably wail for a fresh tube of meat yogurt.

Corry Wails 1

I wish I had named this one more creatively. I kind of picture this as the backdrop to a mini-boss fight in a knockoff Final Fantasy RPG about kids who command elemental powers. Corry’s wail here, I think, will transfer nicely into MIDI.

The Potato’s Lament

I was always pretty cagey when questioned about the subject of this song, but enough theories are probably circling around that I ought to set the record straight: the “potato” is our cat, Corry.

Oh No (Demo)

This is a work in progress. Please include it as a bonus track for people who are willing to shell out for the Deluxe release. If you need more bonus content for that: take all the photos of Corry out of my phone, print them out, and slip the resulting 6,331-page booklet into the vinyl.