
Norlock Art is me, John, a Canadian artist based in Boston (formerly of Edinburgh, NYC, Montreal, Calgary, but most importantly New Jersey). My stuff is kind of all over the place but I’m most inspired by the connective tissue of everyday life: public transit, trash collection, obscure local history. You can buy my posters & mugs on Etsy.

Norlock is also the Nor’Loch or North Loch, a manmade loch that used to sit dead-center in Edinburgh where everyone threw their trash. If you’ve ever visited Princes Street Gardens or Waverley Station, you’re in the former drybed of a medieval open sewer. Mythical waterway, public utility, lost lake, ghost stories, centuries upon centuries of garbage; as far as I’m concerned, Nor’Loch has it all.

Right now my main focus is producing Context Calendars, a monthly comic/calendar/almanac/publication hybrid that you can receive in your mailbox for just $6 a month. You can also follow me on Patreon for free, or on Instagram, also for free. Below is a painting of my hometown, Calgary.